Since I've been spending most of my time and energy fighting with Hef's dad about proposing, I'm going to steal Shell of The Raspberry Rabbits game of when I win the lotto. So I found these gems at Marshall's and loved them. They had a whole dinner set and everything but as I haven't won the lotto yet, I had to select my favorite two pieces. They do say food & microwave safe, but I am not sure what I will serve in the big casserole dutch oven. Its so white and pretty, how do I dirty it? Maybe just hot dinner rolls...
And this beautiful tray is going to be filled with carved turkey at thanksgiving. AND since I've won the lotto in this scenario, I'd have a nice dining room set instead of an empty room, lol! So then I could host fancy dinner parties, that'd be nice.
It's a fun game isn't it! Guess what? I have that casserole! Yep! (you knew I would). I also have 12 plates and some serving platters. Love it! you need cook and serve veggie risotto with goat cheese in it. Yummy and looks fabulous in such a pretty dish. Want the recipe?
Lovely! Turkey will look beautiful. Perhaps time to take deep breath, relax, change focus ... too hot to propose anyway.
Will consult astrological chart and get back to you on optimum time. If planets are not aligned correctly ... then union can be in jeopardy.
.... and when the goddess helps BL win the lottery she'll buy you that nice dining room set too.
Beautiful pattern. Might have to put that on the wish list.
Oh, do you think RG could get BL to consult about the possibility that I might get that Viper someday? Before I get too old and have my driver's license taken away (as should happen to the fellow who killed my Orca). Sorry to vent...
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