Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hef meets a mini-rex!

Now let's stay calm, don't get over excited and we will explain. "Ok, Mama, I am calm go ahead," Of course you are Hef, you already know the story.
I did not get Hef a doe, Hef's dad has not lost his mind. On the other hand my sister might have, haha. My sister has purchased a baby bunny. So like a good sister and good older bun Hef gave up his old cage for the baby bunny. My sister, my nephew and baby bun came over last night to pick them up. Of couse the pet store told my sister it was a girl, and I checked, sure enough its a boy, I'm convinced it is. I compared with Hef ; ). So we let Hef and baby bunny, possibly named Elvis play. For a good long time they just hopped around the rug and ignored eachother.
Like a good mom I tried to force them to play together.
But eventually they came around on there own and sniffed. We figured it was safe since Elvis was so young and wouldn't be "an invading male" into bunny lounge territory.

Hef was a very sweet boy and even chinned Elvis. Sorry Hef, he is not your little bunny!
The pet store (augh! pet store! oh well I didn't do it, and its a super nice pet store locally owned) also said Elvis is a mini rex, on that I agree, well maybe he won't be mini, but he has fluffy rexiness already. Bigger ears and feet then Hef in proportian to body.


LOS said...

Just what you need. How about we send you Winston and you make it a trio -- like El Divo minus One. Keep an eye on everyone. They are crafty. Just in case, hide Hef's Dad's suitcase.

The Fab Furs said...

Hef is such a good host!

Carmen S. said...

Awwwww, what a cute little toot and how sweet of Hef to be nice to the bunny! Maybe there will be more play-dates in the future:)

Jade said...

He might have some mini-Rex in him, but that "eyeliner" is a Hotot marking.

Never rely on a pet store for reliable breed info; nine times out of ten, they have no clue and are only telling you what they think you want to hear to get you to buy the rabbit. Your sis might want to ask her vet or any local rabbit groups if they can identify his breed for sure.

Lisa Alto said...

awwwwwwwww I hope they will be friends when Elvis gets all grown up ... too cute!

Crafty Green Poet said...

oh how sweet to see them making friends like that

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Hef is an excellent big brother.

RG said...

Don't let D. Moll see this.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Hef you are truly the perfect host.

AlextheBunny said...

For the record my boy has modified my name to Alex not Elvis