Food & Wine notes from my recent trip
This was in the Detroit Airport, its a chocolate shoe. I have a simliar shoe in red, weird.
The first night we went to a grocery store, because as I mentioned they sell wine and we don't have that here. This was the first bottle I saw with a screwcap since I didn't have a bottle open. I'm not 100% a white wine drinker. Pinot Grigio, bleck! But I liked this Moscato, cripsy, fruity, not bad for 5 bucks.
On my trip I made my best effort to eat healthly, along with the wine I had a nice chef salad for dinner.
Then this happened. I know its fried and unhealthey, well see I got the veggies too, see that? Ok, its Long John Silver's chicken meal. I used to love Long John Silver's chicken but then they all went out of business around here, so they had one in North Carolina and I had to have one! Kill me!Also on the trip at the hotel breakfeast my mother wanted to try cheddar cheese grits. AND she insisted the fake flowers be in the photo, so there it is. These were quaker instant grits. It kinda tasted like eating Kraft Mac & Cheese, which I like. Don't think I'm going to buy them for home though.
I wouldn't have thought there would be much of a market for chocolate shoes of that size in the Detroit airport--unless the delay between planes was substantial and you got really hungry--impractical to pack in luggage in the summer.
Road food does have its own niche.
Lol! You and my oldest son with the Long John Silver's chicken. I have to drive across town now and then to fulfill his longing for chicken planks. Me? I'd rather have the greasy fish.
Chocolate shoe kind of freaks me out.
Get your Long John Silver's fix and be proud of it! No one's judging you here.
Road food --- gah .........
A chocolate shoe in the Detroit Airport. Reminds me of a cat. (Weird)
Don't be too hasty about the screw tops; they're actually eco-friendly. Or maybe you just feel eco-friendly afterwards.
You have a red chocolate shoe? Whatever for?
What are grits exactly? Did they come with the fake flowers or did you have to pay extra?
Why did you go to Detroit if you were on your way to North Carolina? I don't think I understand the whole flying thing anymore.
I wonder if we should consider planning a "virtual" bunny blogger bash ... and leave out Detroit, the chocolate shoes and even the risk of eating a grit.
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