Hef's dad loooovveeess to show of Hef's teeth and the super tame Hef he allows it. I think Hef should be a therapy bunny because unless he pees on your sweater he is a perfect bun, pull his ears fine (not that we do) flip him upside down ok, write a daily blog about him you got it! Do they have therapy bunnies?
On another note I was thinking since one of the Obama girls is allergic to dogs that they should get a bunny!
We are almost down with our christmas shopping but Hef's dad and I both need to get my mom something, I don't have any ideas at all and I don't want to go back to the mall. I have spent three days in highheeled boots walking around the mall I'm done. How is everyone else's shopping going?
I do almost all my shopping online. It's easier that way. That said, I usually can find something for any woman on my shopping list when I go to 10,000 Villages. You can shop online, or check if they have a store near you.
I think therapy bunnies would be a great idea. Cadbury might do well with that too, since he doesn't mind being held.
Hef is such a cool bun! He would make a great therapy bunny! I'm not sure if there is such a thing yet, but Hef could always be the first ;)
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