Friday, December 19, 2008

Just how cool is Hef?

Hef is so cool he's frozen! We are currently getting socked with snow. Hef's dad and I ventured out to get his new tire on the car and get some wine so I don't care how much it snows. Then when we got home we found Hef's aunt's car stuck halfway in the driveway and halfway in the street. So Hef's dad is snowblowing and I took Hef out. Yup, Hef hit the snow. Not, his first time, he ventured out in a dusting last year but this is deeper. Check it out! (Turn the sound down you can hear the snowblower!)

So Baxter thats how its done! Hef is a brave little bunny, but you can tell at the end he is hopping back to his mom (I don't think he wanted me to share that). Oh I almost forgot, Hef also ate the snow! It was so funny! I bet he liked it because he likes to lick ice cubes too! Then I brought Hef inside and snuggled him up in a towel for a warmup. Hope everyone is staying warm and snuggly!

P.S. I can relate to BL I don't have a gift for my own mom yet!

P.P.S They said on the news we got 8.8 inches a record for today!


Ann (bunnygirl) said...

He's so cute in the snow! I'm glad he got some snuggle time after, though. It looks like it would be cold, even with that fur coat!

Anonymous said...

How cute! He dug a little trench for himself in the snow :D

Hef must have enjoyed the towel snuggle after that! Stay warm, little guy!