Monday, October 25, 2010

Hef & the NuDog

It seems official that our new dogs name is Bandit. Bandit has gone in Hef's room a few times. Bandit was well behaved, some sniffs and thats all. Hef however choose to do this wild rabbit leap off his shelf when Bandit sniffed him. It was crazy!  But then Hef slowly came out of hiding. Yesterday I brought Hef down in my lap and Bandit was very good, again some sniffs, then Bandit just sat and watched Hef in my lap. Everything is looking good but I am still keeping Hef's door closed.
 Tonight my tv show that Hef's dad hates is on (Gossip Girl). Now that Hef has furniture I will watch it in his room. My plan is to let the dogs in and see how things go and then maybe Hef can go back to an open door.


LOS said...

Is that Hef's Room with the striped couch? Wow! Nice digs. In the pictures I've seen, NuDog (aka Bandit) always seems to have her head cast downward just a tad. Is this my imagination? It could be, it's very early for me this morning. I'm only up because The Princess is going on a special outing.

Carmen S. said...

Glad to hear all is going well:) I *love* that Hef has his own furniture:D

The Fab Furs said...

Note to Bandit: I was here first and I want my house back--Hef

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Glad all is going ok. Still makes me nervous though. I can't help it. My first rabbit I ever had, Bunnicula, was eaten by my German Shepard. Some things ya just never get over.

Love Hef's room by the way.
xx, shell

RG said...

NO DOGS ALLOWED! They'll trash the place, Hef!

Jade said...

A good start, but also good to keep an eye on things. Bandit might be a good dog, but she also might just be sizing up Hef as to whether he counts as a full meal or an appetizer. We'll be thinking good thoughts for her being a good dog, though.

Roni said...

That is a cool room for Hef. I am sure rabbits out there who are staying in a rabbit hutches in the basement or outdoor are so jealous.