Sunday, October 5, 2008

Stupid freaking cord

My laptop battery died friday afternoon and isn't starting up or rechargins. I am looking to get another one or a replacement tip because thats the problem. Until then I am resigned to Hef's dads computer on the weekend. He doesn't have pictures of Hef either. So I might not post again until next weekend. Hans over at furrybutts is in our thoughts. Hef will be serving a special Hanstini to raise bunny money...


Anonymous said...

What? No Hef fix til next weekend??! That ain't right!!

Thanks for the well wishes, its truly appreciated. Hope Hans gets better after tomorrow, then he can have a sip of Hef's Hanstini!

Deb Cushman said...

Good luck on the computer troubles! Why don't they just work every time and quit being so ornery!

RG said...

Good you lived! We DID care ...

Brined turkey .. had it .. goooood!