Thursday, October 2, 2008


I am unhappy today, really unhappy! I'm also a tad nervous! I go onto Yahoo's website today to check out the headlines and guess what?
What's the big deal? Well about a month ago on my trip to NYC, we went to chinatown and with my bunny love I bought this white rabbit candy. See there it is! RIGHT THERE! AND I ATE IT! I ate 6 freaking pieces of it! It was tasty but too hard to chew. Now I'm a bit nervous! AND PISSED! And I think someone should know that they are selling this in china town in NYC but who the H do I tell? How much of this stuff do I have to eat to get sick? Sadly I am reluctant to try new things and foods now, a hobby of mine. I am not happy, How dare they associate a nice white bun with this dangerous candy! Oh I'm pissed!
P.S All my potatoes turned out really good, but I would recommend saving the glaze for carrots or sweet potatoes.


Deb Cushman said...

We bought some of that candy one time at World Market -- but it was several years ago, and you're right, it's hard to eat. We aren't dead yet, so it must not have been tainted.

RG said...

Let us know if you die ...

Hef is a great guy!

I hope he gets his own house and big party this Easter...

Anonymous said...

The ones I've eaten have been soft and chewy.. kinda nice. I don't think 6 pieces are enough to kill a person.. fingers crossed you stay OK :)