First off RG, you crack me up! Hef's Place! RG obviously if we had a restaurant it would be called "The Bunny Lounge" DUH! As for the Buffalo Bills eating bouef bourginon, that'd be nice but the Buffalo Bills kinda suck and I don't really like football. Hockey's cool, send in the Buffalo Sabres. (RYAN MILLER SILVER MEDALIST YEAH!) Yes I have dreamed of opening a hip bar and restaurant named The Bunny Lounge.
Anyway so our blog makes sense lets get on with explaining the title. Feeling Good is one of my favorite songs by Michael Buble (yeah some chick sang it on idol last week but she is not Michael Buble!). At The Bunny Lounge we are feeling good! Shadow the Dog has just been upped to a walk and a short jog everyday instead of a walk with a short sprint in it. Shadow the Dog says the Power Bones Shell sent will come in handy. Hef is excited as Dad keeps talking about does, but don't get your hopes up you never know with Hef's dad. Also Hef has his own blogger account now like the bunns do. I haven't told Hef yet but I am looking for a bigger cage for him as well. As for me? Like I said there is the possiblity of a promotion. Also I'm very pleased with how everybun has responded to my cooking. Getting emails about recipes outside of the blog comments really brightens my day. I mentioned Shadow the Dog going for a jog. Well my cardio stamina has always been a joke. Despite always being thin and tiny I can't run for very long or anything like that without chest pains or being short of breath. With Spring on its way (High 42 saturday YAY!) I am really committed to start running. (Tips Bunnygirl? RoadBunner?) Currently I can run to the stop sign at the end of our street or halfway up and back before just about passing out. I was at work yesterday and had achy calves and it felt good! I just wanted to get back outside and run instead of going to work. It keeps getting on my mind. It's almost running time now so we're out of here!
Carrot tops, Parsley, and a bell toy (which if you turn the blocks right spells Hef). Bunny is Feeling Good. To paraphrase Feeling Good by Michael Buble:
Bunny hopin' on by You know how I feel It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life For me And I'm feeling good
I especially like Hef's pose in this post! He appears to be a very self-satisfied, feeling-good bunny!
Hef looks like he is feeling good. He is such a good boy. I know Shadow the dog must enjoy the run. I can't run either. Same issues as you. I could as a kid. Now I look like a dork when I try. Let me know if you get any good pointers.
Niblet says he wants some of those greens!
CAtchin' up after flu ... I missed the Grand Island post. Great bridges!
Running tips? You'll get them! Mine? Start slow and ease off.
I just read about four of your blog posts. First off, I have my fingers crossed for your promotion! I have no doubt they will see how motivated you are and do the right thing!
Second, the bunny olive was totally cute and I wish I liked olives so I could make them all the time!
Third, in regards to running -- just start with small increments and gradually lengthen them. I am like you -- slim and petite and you'd think I was in great shape. Truth be told when I first started running I could barely run for a block without thinking I was going to die. I have no natural athletic ability. I found a program that was supposed to get you running 20 consecutive minutes (which seemed like an impossible feat!).
The first week of the program that I started on was "walk 90 seconds, run 90 seconds, repeat 7 times." I sadly do not have a copy of the program anymore, but every week the walk segment would decrease slightly and the run segment would increase.
A lot of beginning runners use the Couch to 5K progam which utilizes walk/run intervals. Just keep it up and I promise it will get easier! Feel free to email me (roadbunner at gmail dot com) if you have any questions!
When I did that first week, running 90 seconds was HARD and look at me now. Trust me, if I can do it, ANYONE can do it. I could never run any distance in PE class that was prescribed when I was a kid.
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