Here's Hef on our kitchen counter, next to our bunny cookie car (which is actually filled with lollipops and tootsie roll pops). He looks all snuggly, like "Oh, your gunna stand and keep look out? Ok, I'll relax". Ok so if you remember before we mentioned a SURPRISE! This is our surprise:
Her name is Shadow and she was adopted on 3/14/09. She has been hired as the bouncer of the bunny lounge. Shadow is a 4 1/2 year old Belgian Sheepdog/Siberian Husky mix.
This is a Belegian Sheepdog: This is a Siberian Husky:
And Shadow really does look like a mix of the two. Currently we are all in the bunny lounge, Hef is in his cage and Shadow is stretched out sleeping on the floor. Shadow has never made one agressive move toward Hef, just licks and sniffs. Of course they are never alone together, never ever!
Easter is in full swing here, bunnies everywhere (but that is kinda our decor anyhow). Hef likes our lawn bunnies:
Unfortunately there is SNOW!!! out there so I brought the lawn buns inside. Last week we watched Miss Potter and it was very cute! It was also a little sad but the drawings of Peter Rabbit and the others would come alive and move, so adorable! We have been going to the library weekly (more on this later) and this week we got Looney Tunes, The Easter Bunny is Coming to Town and Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Its bunmania week! Its like 37 degrees out, I think Hef is gloating to Shadow that he gets to stay in the bunny lounge while Shadow and I have to dredge out there in the snow for our mile walk. Twice. It was spposed to be spring when I got Shadow, I'm not liking cold walks.
Ok I think I've truly rambled, an extra shot of the bunny lounge after all that time without.
Lastly we are reading everyones blogs to catch up. So far we have caught up with A Houseful of Rabbits and Adventures of a Wasically Wabbit, what fun!
It's great to see more of Hef! We missed him at the Bunny Benefit Bash and we know he would've had a great time. Tell him not to worry, though. We may try having another in the fall.
Hef looks good! Nice digs and decorations. Train that big barker good Hef....
Welcome, Shadow! What a cool dog! We bet Hef and Shadow will become good friends!
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