Thursday, March 24, 2011


"Spring? Haven't seen it!"

"Nope not under here!"

"I don't know where it went Mama!"

"That's OK! It was fun while it lasted!"


Carmen S. said...

LOL!!! I can tell you it is NOT here in PA either! My son just went to live in Hawaii with the army, perhaps it is there;)

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

I can't believe ya'll got snow! Burrr! We had 83 yesterday, but today it's only 68. Weirdo weather!
xx, shell

Lisa said...

Nice while it lasted. Yes, yes it was.

The Fab Furs said...

So far March has been all lion, still waiting for the lamb.

LOS said...

What cute pictures! Makes us out here feel toasty warm.

RG said...

"We gotta go potty! Let us in!"

bunnits said...

Keep looking, Pups. It'll turn up soon.