Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rabbit Stealing?!

There is a lot of talk around about Rabbit Stealing, and Hef doesn't want to be stole so he is taking preventive steps. We took some pictures so you can have the Hef experience without stealing the Hef.
So if you want to snuggle and watch some Netflix with  Hef here's how it looks.
 Or if you want to relax and snuggle...
And here is what the rest of the world looks like through Hef's ears 

"And this is my disapproving face, don't steal me!"


Carmen S. said...

Awwww, how precious he is and I don't blame him for not wanting to be stolen from his loving home and his dogs:)

Jade said...

I dunno, all that cute might inspire someone to want to steal you more, Hef. Fortunately, I am not of the stealing persuasion...although I might consider a B & E & STB (Breaking and Entering and Snuggling the Bejeezus out of you). ;)

The Fab Furs said...

Perhaps an "All-Hef-All-the-Time" web cam is in order.

Lisa said...

Still kind of want to steal him. But I promise I won't.

RoadBunner said...

I love that first shot of Hef. One of my favorite spots is the soft bit right between the ears :)

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Ummmm....nope, didn't work. Still would steal him and bring him to Bunnyville. Cuteness factor running way to high to resist! :)
xx, auntie shell

RG said...

Good work staying safe there Heffy. We've had to put Zoey on a short leash for awhile too.