Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Just in Case

Since some people (SHELL!) won't be discouraged from rabbit stealing, I am installing a Bandit 2007 Guard. Also I want everyone to know that after a few breaking out of her cage and flipping it over incidents, Bandit is no longer staying in her cage when we aren't home or overnight!


Unknown said...

For the record I am against bunneh stealing of any sort, however Ms. Matilda Rumblebuns, thinks that Hef has quite the handsome visage and despite his stature compared to hers (she is a svelte 23.7 lbs) I believe she is planning some sort of bunneh lovin mission. Make sure Shadow is on high alert!

LOS said...

Oh boy ... Little Hef and Matilda Rumblebuns? Now that's a match made in Heaven.

Please be sure to post pictures of the lobster when you have it.

The Fab Furs said...

So Bandit gets to roam the room and Shadow gets to stay in the cage? How will Bandit and Shadow be able to protect Hef from behind the door?

Lisa said...

Does Shadow still have to stay in a cage?

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

The Bandit 2007 is no match for the Shadow and the Shell. Together with their super powers, they can accomplish many acts of bunneh theft. Buuuwwwwaaahaaaaaaa!!!
xx, shell

RG said...

Clone Hef - it's the only way.

Unknown said...

"clone Hef that's the only way"
Matilda says she's is on board with the idea of multiple Hef's. Naughty Bunneh!

Lorna said...

Awww.. Bandit's so cute.. *Steals!*

(I got your back, 'Shelle!)