Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

St. Patrick's day is a great holiday! Ya know why? It's super easy to celebrate! Buy some Irish Beer, buy a head of cabbage and a Corned Beef Brisket from the store. If you really want to go fancy, add potatoes and carrots! Hef's dad doesn't like the potatoes and carrots so we don't always have them. I like to put the cabbage in the corned beef liquid while it rests to cook it but Hef's dad doesn't so I boil two pots of it! It's 8:30 in the morning and already I can't wait for the corned beef dinner!


Carmen S. said...

That dinner looks delicious and I've Never seen a cuter cabbage, LOL!!!!

Lisa said...

Is Hef Irish? I thought Dutch (get it, Netherland Dwarf? I know, not that funny.)

Enjoy your corned beef and cabbage!

Unknown said...

Yummy Yummy! The "beef" not the bunneh! :)

Jade said...

Hee! Hef in the cabbage! Just don't hop into the pot, Hef!

How can anyone not like potatoes and carrots?! They are the fundamental part of a good beef stew (besides the beef, that is). I'm not a fan of cabbage, myself--I've had corned beef and it's okay, but cabbage is icky-poo. Must be because I'm only half Irish. :)

The Fab Furs said...

Hef is in his element!

Lisa Alto said...

Cutest cabbage ever! Don't cook Hef!

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Hef looks adorable in his cabbage leaf nest. I'm sure he took one look at the next photo and wondered why you had to go and ruin such a perfect food!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Oh Hef man! You are truly adorable in your cabbage leaves! Auntie Shell loves cabbage too! Just not the smell of it as it boils. "Who farted?" haaaaaaaaaaaaa!
xx, shell

RG said...

Oh Hef! Mr. Irish himself.

"Boil that cabbage down .." Ever see the video with the Smothers Brothers doing that song?

I think you'll like it - especially the naked bacon part.