Wednesday, June 8, 2011

While Bandit was away...

While Bandit was away (at the vet) Mr. Hef came out to play!
"Ok Ma, your turn to be bartender bring me a nice Mint Mojito"
 Shadow is nice with Hef, but we've never tried letting Hef hop around Bandit. So when Bandit was at the vet I let Hef have some luxuries.
"'Less photos, more cocktails please!"
 Hef didn't stay out long, I always worry about him having heat stroke! So we came inside to play in the air conditioning.
"Lalala, not doing anything  bad, lalala"
 Of course Hef admits he is glad Bandit is back, as we all are. Bandit is halfway through her medicine trail, so far its not looking like its helped :(
*snuggle snuggle*


Jade said...

YAY for Hef pics!

That red lounge chair suits you perfectly, Hef--I can just see you enjoying a nice carrotini in it.

Shadow seems to be enjoying a good lounge as well. I bet she'd like a nice dish of FrostyPaws doggie ice cream in this heat.

We'll keep thinking good thoughts for poor Bandit.

Carmen S. said...

Aww, I was so hoping the meds would work for Bandit:( Hef and Shadow look VERY nice on those red loungers, and yes Hef, I can tell you are NOT doing anything bad at all;)

RG said...

Hef goes great! Go Bandit - get good.

The Fab Furs said...

Hef is always so photogenic! Hope things work out for Bandit, there's a reason to take all the doses and not stop midway through.

LOS said...

Love seeing pictures of adorable Hef. Hope Bandit will be ok. Little Hef still rules in my book.

Mrs. JP said...

We all hope that Bandit gets well. Nice pics of Hef.