Thursday, September 9, 2010


Now I don't know this for sure, but the paperwork from the Erie County SPCA says that Shadow the Dog was born on 9/9/2004. That's today! Ms. Shadow is 6 years old!
Hef's dad keeps say Shadow is old!
"Hmph, birthdays!"
However I know 6 is young in dog years! And we've got a lot of treats and good stuff in store for Shadow the Dog today. I know some of you guys have dogs too, give them an extra treat to celebrate!


The Fab Furs said...

Birthday Congratulations! Enjoy your day! Treats for one and all!

bunnits said...

Happy Birthday, Shadow, and many more!

LOS said...

Gee, all these birthdays and special days happening in September. Along with RG's and BL's 20th (this time) anniversary.

Maybe RG will take me to the local pet store for treats. You think?

Or hey, maybe I could take RG shopping for freezers.

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday to a very good girl.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Happy Birthday sweet baby girl! You are so precious!
xx, auntie shell and sugie bun bun