Yes I was taken in and enchanted by after recieving a gift card for the site. I spent about 5 hours yesterday looking at rabbit things and dog things and clothes hunting for amazon deals. I finally gave up and tore myself back to the real world after ordering a coat at the bargain price of $9.99, leaving the rest of the gift card for later. Then this morning I was disillusioned when in my inbox what greeted me was that my coat was sold out and would not be coming! ACK! DARN DARN DARN!
In other news Shadow the Dog has been keeping a weather eye on The Bunny Lounge's outdoor guests and nature.This frog was found at the begining of a walk by Hef's dad and he was still there when we came back so he got a guest spot on the blog today for his froggie detirmenation. He is probably the first amphibian on the Bunny Lounge. I like how he looks like a muscleman, it reminds me of Hef's dad showing off his "guns".This little baby tomato ripened all by itself on the vine and didn't rot or get bit up by bugs before I could pick it. Well done tomato, now we shall eat you.And this is one of my roses that were supposed to be white with pink trim, my favorite roses, but as you can see are bright pink instead. Oh well. It's very pretty anyway and probably the last of our season. I am quite impressed with it since it was only $4.50 and came in a plastic bag.
Shadow is doing a great job guarding the Bunny Lounge, especially with the help of your little muscleman.
Nice collection of items to report on! (where's Hef .. ahem)
We have a tree-frog in the house somewhere! Tremendous loud Crooooaaaakkkss .... we moved one plant outside - the one we thought he/she lived in - but it was not the right one!
Doesn't bother the bunns a bit ...
Ok... although I'm a true "bunny person" at heart, I do love dogs and other critters alike. I have to say that Shadow the Dog is just too precious! Reminds me of my Abbey Doggie. Abbey went to the garden in 2007. She was a pound puppy and I had her for 13 1/2 years!
bunny hugs,
Happy Belated Birthday!! Sorry I'm a little late in wishing you :)
Shadow looks like she'd make a great guard dog. The frog would make a good guard too.. he looks very intimidating! Hef must feel very safe in his Bunny Lounge ;)
Shadow is such a good guard dog and so darn cute too. Cracked me up about the frog looking like a muscleman! Funny!
Err...that's a toad, and a very handsome one too.
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