Monday, January 3, 2011

Puppy Presents

Shadow opens a box of rawhides all by herself!

Bandit loves her plush squealy tree!
Hef went outside without the pups!

Thanks Mom! Thanks Santa Paws!


Carmen S. said...

all of your precious babies brought a smile to my face:) thanks for sharing

bunnits said...

so cute!!

The Fab Furs said...

Oooh, now Shadow has a stash of chewies, Bandit can squeak into the wee hours, and Hef can tunnel out!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

And a good time was had by all!
xx, shell my word verification is "dingos!" "Maybe the dingo got your baby." haaaaaaaaaaaa! Are you too young to know this?

RG said...

And a great time had by all. Is that a Hef snow angel or a human face-plant back behind him there?

Lisa said...

Those look like some happy pups!! Is Hef on a leash?

Kate said...

I like Hef he reminds me of my first bunny who just love playing in the snow whenever out of the rabbit hutch. Anyway, You have a wonderful pets. For me it is therapeutic to have pets. They give so much joy to us in the family.