Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Fair

Sunday we went to the Fair, which is not as nice as Houseful of Rabbits (Was that an invitation?) my batteries were dying in my camera but I got enough bunny shots! I tried to get pics that looked like all our blogger friends, can you find your rabbit?
This guy reminds me of Mario of Roadbunner.


Winston and Racer look out, this guy had a ribbon!

This one reminds me of a lot of buns we know.

I think this Flemish Giant kinda looks like Princess and I think RG is lucky Princess isn't as big!

The Lucky/Baxter flop out

Giant Chinchillas (I tell this to Hef's dad, and he says "Wait, those aren't rabbits?" ugh)

Hey Deb if Freckles wants a twin call this Deb! How weird!

It was really hot and these rabbits where outside so most of them were just floppin it.

Silver Martin

I love dutch bunnies and this one was like "OMG! It's Hef's parents, got any cool drinks?"

Another Baxter/Lucky impersonator

Baby buns!


The Bunns said...

Awwww .. what a great bunch of pictures! A 40 paws salute from Us!!!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Oh how did you not come home with a car full!Oh that's right.. Hef's dad. Just like David. hee,hee,hee!
I have always loved Flemish Giants. So much fur to snuggle!
Great pictures! The one with the Dutch bunny saying OMG Hef's parents... to funny!
bunny hugs,