Sunday, February 12, 2012

Little B Update

So change of schedule, Little B will be going in for her spay tomorrow, Monday morning. Good thoughts need, I am a nervous Mama! Our other pups were spayed before they came home, before we got attached, and I've never cared for a pup straight out of surgery so I am nervous!


Carmen S. said...

sending good thoughts her way, she will do fine:) Just remember to keep her calm so she doesn't run around too much and tear the stitches. I know you will be SO anxious to pick her up!!!!

Jade said...

We'll be thinking good thoughts for a successful spay and a quick and easy recovery!

RG said...

Have a couple of stiff ones and you'll be just fine. I suspect the pup will too!!!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

She'll do just fine. It's amazing how they do the surgeries now. Sending hugs and good thoughts for you Em.

RoadBunner said...

I'll be thinking good thoughts for you! I know how nervewracking surgery can be but I'm sure she'll fly through like a trooper. Spoil her rotten with love when she comes home.

Lisa said...

Sending good thoguhts for both her surgery and for your nerves! Carmen is right though, you don't want her to bust her stitches, I would even consider keeping her in a crate for the first couple of hours after surgery, while she's still a little knocked out by the anesthesia. Anesthetics make them clumsy.

Another thing: when she comes home woosy and after surgery, she's not going to feel very well and she's going to be sleepy. I know it will be heartbreaking but for your sake and hers, don't panic! That's a mistake I made, I freaked out after Biffy's neuter. And after my parents' cat's spay (I was 16 at the time). Just keep it cool, she'll be fine :)