Friday, November 18, 2011

Meet Little Bandit!

Well now it was Wednesday so call it a Wild Hare and forgive me for getting this little lady!
Not the easiest baby to hold!
I answered a Craigslist ad for Little Bandit, who is 5 months old! So far she has been a great addition to the home. She is already potty trained, and pretty good at sit and down.  Shadow likes her very much and they had a rowdy play-chase session in the living room yesterday.

Little Bandit has seen Hef twice with little interest. The first time she was more interested in scooping out the room then Hef, and the second time they did a nose touch thru the cage bars without barking or anything. When Hef hopped away Little Bandit just walked away.
"So, do you love me yet?"


Carmen S. said...

Awwww, what a sweet, adorable baby!!!!!!

The Fab Furs said...

Hef will get Little Bandit into shape in no time.

Lisa Alto said...

I was wondering how long it might be before you found a new baby to expand the family again! Good luck little bandit!

bunnits said...

Oh, she,s a beauty. :D

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

She's beautiful and it sounds like she is a perfect fit with the family.

Jade said...

Congratulations on finding such a gorgeous girl and bringing her home. :)

Lisa said...

What a lovely little puppy! YAY!

Erin said...

Aww! She's so cute!

RoadBunner said...

Welcome!! What a cutie :)

The Bunns said...

What's a house for anyway?