Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hef & Elvira

I bet some of you are wondering how things are going between Hef and Elvira.
"Pay attention bunz, thats how it should be!"
 Everyone is getting along nicely. Elvira is very nice and if Shadow or Hef bothers her she scoots away. I managed to get an ok shot of all three of them sharing the couch.


RG said...

Yeah - with Sir Hef in the middle - as he should be!!!!

RoadBunner said...

Glad the Fur Clan is all getting along!

bunnits said...

Hef rules!! Shadow and Elvira are training to be his minions.

Jade said...

Hef knows how to rule his household, that's for sure.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

So glad they all get along. If only people could do the same thing.
xx, shell

Lisa said...

So glad to see peace among species! It's not always easy but I'm glad to see you seem to have it under control.

The Fab Furs said...

Probably helps to have a large couch, too--otherwise only Hef would get to sit on it.

LOS said...

Aw sweet! Just keep an eye on Elvira until you know for sure. I bet Little Hef wonders what's going on there. After all, it IS "The Bunny Lounge."

SixBunnies said...


(we have the same couch!)