Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Stary Pup Happy Ending!

So as most of you know Hef's dad drives me to work on his way to work and drops me off early. Usually I come in and blog here to you fine folk. Well this morning trotting in front of the building was a beautiful red Siberian Husky. Well, I looked around no owner trailed behind. I got out of the car and a worker at the Tim Hortons' (a coffee place attached to wendy's) was trying to catch him and eventually we got a hold of his collar. I took the strap from my laptop bag and clipped it on to the dog's collar. Then I called the number on the ID tag, but it was out of service. Then I called Animal Control who's number I keep in my phone, and they knew who the owner was! I waited outside in the 19 degree weather and the owner's brother picked him up. The dog, Toby, was happy to go with them and I'm glad to help out. Lesson to learn here? Keep your ID tags up to date!


The Fab Furs said...


Jade said...

Yay for happy endings for cute puppies! So many people seem to think they can let their dogs run around outside without an ID tag (and sometimes without a collar!) because "oh, he/she never leaves the yard!" Never say never when it comes to dogs leaving a yard--it really doesn't take all that much to get a dog to go wandering, and without an ID tag, the chances of your dog being returned to you can be very slim.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Yippee! I do love a happy ending!
xx, shell

RG said...

Glad he did not come on our porch what with soft heart living here ...

Good work.