Monday, October 5, 2009

Fall is Coming! It looks good! (Tasty too!)

We went to a pumpkin farm this past weekend. Now we are ready for Fall to come to The Bunny Lounge. I don't really like calling it "Fall" all those stupid jokes. So let's call it Autumn or Harvest Time, something nice.

"Yeah, it looks nice Ma, please dry these apples out for me. Oh, and bring the hay upstairs. I'll have the pumpkin now""What do you mean decoration?""NOOOOOOOO!"


Ann (bunnygirl) said...

I'm sure Hef wonders why you're decorating with food in the first place, if it's not going to get eaten.

The Bunns said...

Handsome Hef ... a veritable cornucopia of rabbit rascallyness!!!!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Too cute! What a great photo of him in that basket.

Carmen S. said...

Awesome fall decorating made even better by the presence of a bunny:)