Does anybody recognize this itty bitty bunny? This picture was taken the very night I brought Mr. Hef home! Awwww! Such a cutie pie!
And look at the handsome bun he has grown up into! It's been four years so far and every day its still aww what a cutie pie! "OK so there are treats for this, right Mama?"
Congratulations on your Gotcha Day Mr. Hef! It must have been a hard 4 years, training the humans to give you treats on demand, many photo ops, a garden of your very own, and two dogs to lord it over. Many happy returns of the day, cutie!
Congratulations on your Gotcha Day, Hef! You were a little cutie (and are quite a handsome fellow!)
Congratulations on your Gotcha Day, Hef--or as we call it, your buniversary! I am sure that your mama has lots of treats and spoiling in store for you, so enjoy your day!
Congratulations! I'm so glad to know you, Mr. Hef! Keep your hoomins in line!
4 years! Wow! And still gorgeous :-)
Happy Gotcha Day Hef!!! He's still such a cute tiny little bunlet.
Happy day! Happy day! Still as cute as ever!
xx, shell
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