Monday, August 22, 2011

Hef has an announcement!


Yes I sure did! As I have mentioned time and time again, another manager at work kept giving me problems. Today I had a "meeting" with the other manager, our boss, and the boss's boss. Well instead of trying to discuss anything, she just denied everything, yelled at me, and the next thing I know I have my boss's boss asking me why I sometimes tell my gm I don't want to work there, I explain I get frustrated sometimes and overwhelmed since I am still learning a lot. His response is he told my boss that if I wanted to walk out he should have told me to go ahead. I said thats fine with me threw my keys on the desk and left!
It became pretty obvious in this meeting that the other manager was not going to face any discipline. Instead she turned it around on me, accused me of making every complaint I had up and screamed at me.
In other news I just got a phone call for an interview tomorrow morning.


Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

That job was not meant to be sweets. Good luck on your interview tomorrow! What's it for?
xx, shell

Carmen S. said...

Proud of you, you've been unhappy at that job for as long as I've been reading your blog;) Good luck at the interview tomorrow, something better is waiting for you!!! And I am in love with your little announcer, hehe!!!

Lavender Rabbit said...

Good for you! I know there is a better place for you. Rubbing lots of good luck bunny feet for you to find the perfect job next.

bunnits said...

Hef is soooo cute!

Sounds like you did the right thing, considering what you've been through.
Good luck on your interview.

RG said...

Well, good luck.

(My motto I tried to follow was never quit one job until I have the next one ... but sometimes ...)

Hef expects TONS of attention now ....

Jade said...

Good for you and good luck with the interview!

As for you, Hef, you get smooches for being such a good announcer-bun. :)

The Fab Furs said...

Sometimes the stress isn't worth it. Good luck with the interview. Hef does make a wonderful spokesbun.

Lisa Alto said...

Well done for getting out... You were so unhappy there. HUGE good luck and rabbits feet to help you find a new position. Xx

Lisa said...

Congratulations on standing up for yourself. That job sounded like it sucked. Congrats on your interview, too! Good Luck!

LOS said...

Loved seeing Hef's sweet face in the spotlight again. Good luck, Hef's Mom! Whenever you apply for a great job, tell them if they pay you enough, you will channel Julia.