Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Late Night Flashback

So trying something new, since its 1am and I just got home from my crappy crarppy job, I am going to be lazy like RG and dig into the Hef archives.
"I'm not sharing, go away!"
If I remember correctly, Hef is actually grunting and charging at the camera.


Carmen S. said...

LOL, even grunting and charging he's adorable!!!!

The Fab Furs said...

I didn't realize that Hef had illustrated the classic Salad Defense from "The Bun Book of Territorial Strategy"--very cute!

Lisa said...

You tell em, Hef! How Rude to bother you when you're eating!

SixBunnies said...

Any Hef picture is a great Hef picture!

LOS said...

Here, here ... I agree with SixBunnies. We can never get enough of Hef!

bunnits said...

He's so cute protecting those greens that it's difficult to take his grunting and charging seriously.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Always glad to see the Hef man even if it is an older photo.
xx, shell

Jade said...

A day without Hef pics is like a day without sunshine--keep 'em coming! :)